Luke 6:28 says "bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." Those are Jesus' words y'all so they must be something serious right? I never got it though. I have sometimes done it though, Out of hopes that The Lord would hear my empty words and reward me. Sort of like the kid who only makes her bed on Friday morning when she's planning on asking for donuts for breakfast... You know, kinda to give mom an extra incentive to reward her?! What? Oh wait I did that too. ;)
Empty words and obedience without a heart change aren't what The Lord asks of us though. 1 Samuel 6:7 says "... People look at the outward appearance but The Lord looks at the heart." Isaiah 55:8 says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways, Declares The Lord"
Woah y'all.
So He isn't looking for your empty words, "God please bless that person at work who is so mean to me.." While you're secretly hoping she trips and breaks her little high heels while you sit all self righteous in your desk thinking "she's so mean but I'm a Christian so I'm not as evil and at least I am so obedient and prayed for her...." And you know that person, the one who hurt you big time all those years ago? Yeah that one. He wants you to pray for them too! And not just one of those "Oh Jesus please change their hearts, please help them see what they did." Nope.
The Lord is asking for a change in us. Not just empty words though y'all. I'm not saying He doesn't honor your obedience because I believe he does, but more than that, when Jesus gave us that command (yes command, not just a suggestion) I believe He wanted more. The Lord is all about some love and I truly believe that He wants us to do something a little crazy and pray for their hurts. My mom always says, "hurt people hurt people." And honestly when she tells me that about someone that's mean to me I'm like, "hhmph! Well at least I'm not the only one hurting!" Awful I know. But the truth is, all of us are. Everyone.
And once you begin to pray for the hurts of those who hurt you, the chains the of pain and anger they once had over you are broken. So even though it makes no sense, because let's be real, ain't nobody got time to be thinking about their enemies' hurts (this is where the whole "my ways are not your ways" comes in)... Praying for the hurts and lives of those who hurt you, and truly beginning to love them is the only way to be set free from the pain they've caused you.
So I challenge you today to ask The Lord for a heart change in you towards those that hurt you. You'll be surprised at how much lighter your load is when you decide to let Him help you love them instead.