Anyways, as I've mentioned before, I was raised in a Christian home, and went to church my whole life so most of these stories are pretty familiar to me. I mean I remember David and Goliath and Daniel in the lions den, I learned about them through puppet skits and little cartoon characters on a felt board as a child, and I've heard so many sermons preached on them. I guess that's why I took them for granted for so long and honestly remembered them as the puppet skits and cartoons I first learned them as. Watching this series though has really opened my eyes. God did some really cool stuff. No seriously! And I feel like sometimes we forget. Sometimes we think of Him as this nice big guy in white that lives in the clouds and hangs out until we beg Him enough to do something for us. But guys He's so much more than that!
Lately The Lord has been challenging me in my prayer life and it's so tough. I was praying the other day, probably going down my list of wants, needs, and wishes and the Lord stopped me in my tracks. Sometimes when He speaks, it's like He's in the room. It's so loud and clear and hard impossible to ignore. He gave me a bit of a challenge and asked me who I thought I was to constantly speak to the Lord as if He were my hand maiden. Woah.
As believers, sometimes I feel like it's so easy to get caught up in making a "to do" list for the Lord. We spend so much time marking down situations and circumstances that we want the Lord to intervene in. But how much time do we spend actually talking to God like a friend? I'm not saying that He doesn't care about our needs and we should just figure things out ourselves, but I'd like to submit to you that the time we spend asking the Lord for things should be far outweighed by the time we spend seeking Him and just trying to get to know Him. Tough? Yeah I know. But I mean think about it, would you want a friend or a loved one to only communicate with you when they wanted something? I wouldn't. Not at all. Well believe it or not, God is no different. Jesus sacrificed on the cross so that we were no longer indentured servants and could instead come boldly before the throne of the everlasting father. Not just so that we could have His help with things in our lives, But for something more beautiful. Jesus sacrificed so that we could get to know our creator, so that we could fall in love with Him.
There's a Phil Wickham song I love called "Beautiful," listen to it if you get the chance. Anyways, the first line of the song says,
"I see your face in every sunrise, the colors of the morning are inside your eyes."
I love it. I'd just like to challenge you today to do less "to do list" reading and more seeking, and taking time to stop more often and just discover the beauty of our King.
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