
Sunday, September 15, 2013

More than a man

Y'all,  I married a wonderful man. Sometimes I look at him and I get overwhelmed by how perfectly The Lord made us for each other. He loves me the way I need to be loved and he sees all my flaws and weaknesses and calls me beautiful anyways. Plus he's gorgeous. I'm not kidding. He looks like a Ken doll! I've never had anyone as good as him. 

Relationships have always been tough for me though. I used them to try to fill voids. I hid my insecurity in them until they became infected with it and like a stinky wound, it only festered until it completely ruined them from the inside out. I've spent countless nights in tears because I just wanted someone to tell me I was good enough or give me enough attention or call me beautiful enough times until I believed it. But it never happened because that's unrealistic. My mom used to tell me, "if you don't love you, how do you expect anyone else to?" I used to think she was nuts because in my mind, if someone else saw me as good or worthy, then maybe I was! 

The other day I read some lyrics to a song that were all too familiar. They were to a song called "wrecking ball" by Miley Cyrus. And sadly I remembered a time in my life where I could relate. "Loving" the pain, feeling completely stripped, the empty-ness and broken heart of a destructive love. If I'm being honest, all of my relationships in the past could be described this way. Maybe you can relate. Actually I'm almost positive you can because even a celebrity can!  

For many years I thought I had things figured out though, I thought I would meet the man who did all the cute things you see on romantic comedies and say the right things like the ones Edward does in Twilight. And I thought that surely this perfect of a man could never hurt me and I wouldn't have to worry about ever feeling this way again.

Well then I met my husband. And y'all he's great. but he isn't perfect. He messes up too. We all do. I mean expecting him to be all perfect all around with no flaws was a crazy high standard that I wouldn't want him holding me to. Right? I mean lets be honest people, I'm messy, horrible at punctuality, and have a gift for procrastination. And that's just to name a few. So about a year before my wedding, I found myself at a crossroads, realizing that I didn't know what to do. Because what I wanted more than anything was a man that loved me exactly how I needed to be loved, I wanted a man that would never fail me, and most of all I wanted someone who would never ever ever hurt me. So I did what anyone would do and sought the advice of someone more wise than me. I guess what I expected my pastor to do was to give me a recipe for how to train or hypnotize my future husband into my perfect little barbie and then my worries would be over! I'm not kidding y'all! I was ready to write down the scripture verses I could post around the house as rules to make him fit into my mold. WRONG.

The only person who could fit everything I wanted and truly guarantee that I would never be hurt again was Jesus. I know what you're thinking, "boring! so typical of you!" because honestly I thought the same thing. I was like "yeah yeah, pastor. Take the easy way, tell me I don't believe in Jesus enough." But then I realized I had nothing else. I was on a road toward a marriage with a man I loved more than anyone but also a man that could never ever promise me that he would be perfect, and I couldn't promise him perfection either. So guess what, after a few days of thinking, I gave it a shot. I asked the Lord to be what I needed. I decided to just say "Hey Jesus, I've never had much luck with this whole Love thing. Could you please show me how it's supposed to be? Because I don't want to say vows to a man and expect things from him I would never be able to give myself, and also, I am just honestly too tired and too damaged to take a gamble again on someone who might fail me."

And guess what happened guys? He did. He came in, swept me off my feet and continues to show me a love more deep and more wide, and more furious than anything I could have ever imagined. Every night He paints the sky with his majesty, every spring He colors the earth with flowers, Every morning he renews His mercies, and every moment, He is with me. I have found myself enthralled and my heart completely ravaged by a love I never knew was possible. The craziest part of all of it is that each day that my love for my savior deepens, I find that the love I have for my husband grows too. Because now I see him for what he is. Not this make-believe knight in shinning armor, but a gift and an earthly companion. He's wonderful and he's great. But all of my hopes, dreams, and aspirations lie in someone who is so much more than a man.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

THIS week

Do you know what we are currently in the middle of? Well I'll tell you if you didn't, Fashion Week. My favorite! September is sort of like the January of the fashion year so it's a fabulous fresh start. 

Anyways, in celebration of fashion week I wanted to challenge you. Wear something fabulous and enjoy it! Hey if we all can't be at the shows, why not make the sidewalk our own runways?! 

Cheers beauties!!! 


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Learning to love

II never understood the whole "pray for those who hurt you" thing. I mean what in the world are you supposed to ask The Father for on their behalf? 

Luke 6:28 says "bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." Those are Jesus' words y'all so they must be something serious right? I never got it though. I have sometimes done it though, Out of hopes that The Lord would hear my empty words and reward me. Sort of like the kid who only makes her bed on Friday morning when she's planning on asking for donuts for breakfast... You know, kinda to give mom an extra incentive to reward her?! What? Oh wait I did that too.  ;) 

Empty words and obedience without a heart change aren't what The Lord asks of us though. 1 Samuel 6:7 says "... People look at the outward appearance but The Lord looks at the heart." Isaiah 55:8 says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways, Declares The Lord" 

Woah y'all. 

So He isn't looking for your empty words, "God please bless that person at work who is so mean to me.." While you're secretly hoping she trips and breaks her little high heels while you sit all self righteous in your desk thinking "she's so mean but I'm a Christian so I'm not as evil and at least I am so obedient and prayed for her...." And you know that person, the one who hurt you big time all those years ago? Yeah that one. He wants you to pray for them too! And not just one of those "Oh Jesus please change their hearts, please help them see what they did." Nope. 

The Lord is asking for a change in us. Not just empty words though y'all. I'm not saying He doesn't honor your obedience because I believe he does, but more than that, when Jesus gave us that command (yes command, not just a suggestion) I believe He wanted more. The Lord is all about some love and I truly believe that He wants us to do something a little crazy and pray for their hurts. My mom always says, "hurt people hurt people." And honestly when she tells me that about someone that's mean to me I'm like, "hhmph! Well at least I'm not the only one hurting!" Awful I know. But the truth is, all of us are. Everyone. 

And once you begin to pray for the hurts of those who hurt you, the chains the of pain and anger they once had over you are broken. So even though it makes no sense, because let's be real, ain't nobody got time to be thinking about their enemies' hurts (this is where the whole "my ways are not your ways" comes in)... Praying for the hurts and lives of those who hurt you, and truly beginning to love them is the only way to be set free from the pain they've caused you. 

So I challenge you today to ask The Lord for a heart change in you towards those that hurt you. You'll be surprised at how much lighter your load is when you decide to let Him help you love them instead. 



Monday, April 15, 2013

Hold my hand

Lately things have been different. My husband is on a new schedule for work which doesn't allow us to see each other as much, my work schedule has been nothing short of unpredictable, and things have just felt off for me lately. Do you ever have those times? You know, when you just can't seem to grasp onto the routine you're so used to, the one you're so comfortable with. I'm not going to lie, it's been rough. My husband, bless his heart, has been sleeping less and doing everything in his power to give me as much of his time that he can. I'm a quality time girl y'all. I need it to feel loved. Isn't he sweet? Yes, I know he's a keeper.

I haven't been spending as much time with The Lord. I feel like there's no time! Sure we have our chats here and there during the day, but no special time like we used to. My schedule is off, it's irregular and sometimes I feel lucky when I'm just able to sleep like I used to. And I mean really, sleep is a pretty silly excuse when you're talking about hanging out with The Lord of all creation.

So things have been off, like I said. And I've been searching for a routine. Searching for some sort of regularity that I can get comfortable with but it hasn't come. On top of all the work schedules, I've got quite a few other things going on that I'm just not sure how to juggle. So time has just been slipping by lately. Sometimes I realize I'm cooking dinner or getting ready for bed and I have no idea where the day went because I haven't really gotten anything done that I wanted to.

I have this devotional I usually read in the morning called "Jesus Calling." I didn't get to it this morning so I planned on giving it a quick glance over before bed. I did and I actually had to read today's entry 3 times and stop for a second after reading it because it spoke so perfectly to what I've been struggling with and it was like a lightbulb finally came on for me.

The Lord wants to hold our hands. He wants us to look to Him. Not just in times when things are going great, or when they're really bad, but every single day. More importantly though, when our routines feel off and we feel like things just aren't working right, he wants us to look to Him. He wants to hold our hand. Because the times where we are uncomfortable and the times we feel off are often the times He is looking for growth from us. These are the times that The Lord is looking for more trust. Trust that we acknowledge that THIS day is the one He has made, trust that through all the chaos, and through all the uncertainty, He is there.

Psalm 91 is one of my favorite passages of scripture. It talks about the fact that The Lord is our refuge and protection even when things all around us look grim and are filled with uncertainty. Verse 4 says "He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge." I think it's beautiful to imagine The Lord sweeping us under His wings when we need it.

The best thing, and the thing I honestly think I didn't realize until now is that even when I'm feeling lost and out of sorts, His love remains. Even when it's 9pm and I'm just throwing a pizza in the oven because the day was crazy and I don't have time for anything else, His love remains. And even if that new job of yours is exhausting you, or you've got no idea how you'll make it through the week, His love remains.

So if you're going through a rough patch, and dealing with some uncertainty, I would encourage you to take heart because The Lord doesn't change. And even when things feel off, and nothing is normal, He's there. Take comfort in the constant, unchanging power of His love for you. Because sometimes, it's the only thing that's constant.



Monday, April 8, 2013

Bronzers 101

I'm a beauty junkie. Really, I am. Sometimes I think to myself that I need a vanity just for my makeup and hair products. Because the vanity I have is currently home to my overabundance of jewelry. Oh that's really bad. Did I mention I hoard accessories? And by jewelry I don't mean legit diamonds and gold, although there is some of that going on, I mean inappropriate amounts of costume jewelry...I digress, the point is I have lots and lots of hair and beauty products. And ever since I started working at a makeup counter, things have reached a whole new level. sorry husband. But seriously who doesn't love a brand new mascara, or an exciting eye shadow?! I mean makeup can be so fun to change based on your mood! Smoky eyes one day, subtle the next, and then bam! a red lip! 

One of my favorite products, and probably one of the ones I'm most picky about is my bronzer. It's one of the basics and definitely part of what I wear every day.  Let me preface this post by saying that I do not believe in cheap bronzers. I've had wayyyy too many cheap ones that clog my pores and just don't do it for me. So although some of these bronzers to follow aren't cheap, they are good. And they will not make you break out. Also, none of these companies are paying me to recommend these to you. Although I wish they would! ;) Let's talk about a couple of my favorites and then let's talk application! 

Tarte - Mineral Powder Bronzer
Image via

1. Tarte Mineral Powder Bronzer in Park Avenue Princess ($29)- This is the bronzer that is currently in my makeup bag. It's available at either Sephora or Ulta. So what I love about this bronzer is that first of all, the color is perfect for my skin tone. It's warm without making my skin look dirty. It's available in a few shades so lighter girls, you may want to go one shade lighter. This bronzer also has a luminous finish, which means that it has a bit of iridescence to it. Most of the time, when you say luminous, women get scared for some reason, I guess it's probably a fear of having a glitter face. This definitely isn't that. It has a nice golden pearl like finish to it, which makes your skin nice and glowy! Definitely one of the best bronzers I've tried. 

NARS - Bronzing Powder
Image via

2. NARS Bronzing Powder in Laguna ($36)- So this one is a bit more on the pricey side but NARS is a great brand y'all. Francois Nars is a really well respected makeup artist in the fashion industry and his entire line of cosmetics is really nice. The pigments are really strong so the colors all can be pretty intense. But he developed a line from a place of understanding what looks good on women and I think it really shows. This bronzer is a favorite of lots of beauty magazines and well respected makeup artists. It also has a luminous finish. The color is intense, like I said, so it's perfect for the times of year when your skin is a bit more tanned. NARS cosmetics are available at Sephora, Lord and Taylor, Nordstrom, Saks, and I think Neiman Marcus.

Bronzing Powder
Image via

3. Bobbi Brown bronzing powder in medium ($38)- So Bobbi Brown is actually a pretty well respected makeup artist that also started her own cosmetics line. She is known for creating really beautiful "natural" makeup looks where the models look like they aren't wearing anything at all. So because of this, her powders are pressed really tightly so when you apply, you get a minimal amount of makeup. This allows you to get nice build-able coverage as well as keep things natural looking. Does that make sense? This particular bronzer isn't luminous (it has more of a matte finish) and doesn't go on heavy so it's great if you're into more of the natural look. I've used this one before and loved it. Bobbi Brown isn't sold in my area though, so I've had to switch. It also comes in a good range of colors so there's one for everyone! Bobbi Brown cosmetics are a little harder to find but I have found them at Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, and Lord and Taylor. 

Now lets talk application. I feel like a lot of women I meet (especially at the counter) are super intimidated by bronzers. And I think it's because they don't know how to apply them. To start things off, let's be clear: Bronzers are not blush and bronzers are not the same as loose/ pressed powder. This means that they aren't meant to be applied the same way either of these two products are. Think of a bronzer as a date with the sun! Bronzers add great color to your face in just the places the sun would kiss you see I told you it's like a date!, such as your forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. The best way to remember application is to think of applying them in sort of a number 3 figure on each side of your face starting above your eyebrows, going to your cheeks, and finally your chin. You also may want to dust your nose a bit. The key here is to not just use the product like blush, to avoid looking dirty, and also to make sure you don't use it all over your face, like a pressed powder. Bronzers are great for adding a warm wash of color, without being as obvious as say, a blush. Another key to applying bronzer is making sure you use a good brush. Big and fluffy ones work best! Above everything else, keep in mind that makeup application should be fun! There aren't any strict rules so figure out what works best for you. And go try a bronzer if you don't use one already! You might be surprised how much you like it! 

Do you have a favorite bronzer? I'd love to hear all about it! 



Friday, April 5, 2013

Five things on a Friday

So pretty much every Friday I have this nerdy Friday song that I sing (don't worry, I don't actually sing a real music note) and a corresponding dance I do (oh you're right, it's not cute at all) because let's be honest, Fridays are the BEST y'all! Aside from the fact that they are the start of the weekend, I feel like the human population as a whole is in a better mood, which makes life fun. Also, you girls probably count down the minutes till you get (hopefully!) a post from me about some of my favorite things for the week! Let's jump right in! 

1. Simply Smooth Hair Treatment- A friend of mine gave me this after she purchased it at a salon and noticed that one of the main ingredients was wheat protein. She has a severe gluten allergy that's nothin to mess with. I totally would have paid her for it, but she wouldn't let me. So aside from the fact that this stuff was free, I'm totally loving it!! You just spritz it on after you wash your hair, and it helps detangle, smooth, and I think it just adds some great overall shine! I love it. And I'm always tryin a new hair product so it's usually pretty hard to convince me! 

2. Henri Bendel bracelet- Ok so this is something very near and dear to my heart. I don't really do souvenirs so on our trip to NYC last year, I picked up this bracelet as my own sort of memento of the trip. It's from Henri Bendel on 5th Avenue, which is a fabulous store and if you haven't heard of it, check out the website. It was definitely more than I would usually spend on something like this, but hey it was NYC and the husband approved! I absolutely adore it and wear it with practically everything. It's the perfect bit of over the top sparkle that I think basically every outfit needs. More is more girls!

3. Chip Skip by OPI- As you all know, I'm obsessed with a fan of doing my nails. The only thing I hate though, is nails that chip after like a day or two! It's the worst! All that hard work and sitting around waiting for them to dry just goes down the tubes! Anyways, this stuff by OPI has totally been a lifesaver! Its basically a base coat before your base coat. And it dries out your nail bed from any excess oil or moisture. This helps the nail polish to adhere better to your nail. It's pretty stinky but I swear it works. This, along with my beloved base coat and a few other tricks I've learned (don't worry, I'll share those later!) has been getting me an average of 6-7 days per polish! It's great! 

4. Chance Eau Frache by Chanel- Chanel makes the best perfume. I know smell is super personal and really varies from person to person so if you go to the mall and smell this one this weekend and hate it, it won't hurt my feelings. But also, please don't tell me because this is my very favorite perfume and it's the one I wore when I met and married (2 of the best days ever!) the man of my dreams. So besides the sentimental value this perfume has to me, I just adore it because I think it smells amazing! It's pricey so I only save it for special occasions but it's the best y'all and I just couldn't get through another 5 things post and not make mention of it. side note: yes, my bottle is almost empty so if you so happen to know my husband, please tell him I'd like some more for my birthday in August! 

5. Denim vest by xhiliration- Yes I did it. I went and bought something so 90s it's fabulous. Guess where I got it?! Target! I know, my shopping there really is becoming a problem. Anyways, I totally love this vest y'all! It's so 90s and bohemian and maybe even a bit edgy all at the same time. I fully plan on living in it all summer and throwing it over any old dress I can! I'm thinking it will be a nice update to that denim shirt I've been wearing the heck out of all season! I know some of you may be skeptical and maybe even a little traumatized by the ones from the 90s that everyone wore with those awful sunflower dresses and hats, but trust me y'all, this vest is so not that! And just to prove it to you, I'll leave you with a picture of me wearing it and two of my dearest friends who are some of my favorite people in the world! 

Have a fabulous weekend y'all! 



Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A love that carries me

When I was a little girl, I learned about Jesus. My parents taught me about Him from a young age and how if I asked Him to, He would live in my heart. Since then, I've always had this image of a cartoon Jesus tucked away in my heart. Sort of like a toy in my pocket. Kinda funny right? Well I guess it's sort of a nice sentiment to imagine that The Lord just hangs out with us, waiting till we need Him, and that's how I always thought of it. My whole life!

Y'all it's so different though. Last night I had a dream. In the dream I was walking. On beaches, through trees, and through all sorts of places. After a while of walking, I said, "Jesus sometimes I forget to carry you with me and I don't want to be that way." And just as clear as day, Jesus said I didn't have to! He said not to worry because the whole point was for Him to carry ME.


This dream has been on my mind all morning and I've been praying about it, trying to understand. I know we've all heard the "footprints" poem about The Lord carrying the guy through the tough times. I think it's more than that though, I think what The Lord wants us to know is that he wants His love to carry us into and through the good times too. Because being a follower of Christ requires a complete surrender, a complete change of heart, and most importantly, a complete relinquish of control. When you finally allow The Lord to carry you, things like the direction of your life and where you are going, become out of your control and there's no longer a need to figure them out. And even smaller worries like how your day will go, vanish.

I would just like to challenge you today to just allow The Lord to begin to carry you, not just through the bad times, but through the good times too. I think you will be surprised at how much His love will envelop you if you let it. Because let's face it. That's all he really wants anyways.. To love you.



Sunday, March 17, 2013

Seeking the King

So the last few Sunday evenings the husband and I have been watching that series "The Bible" on The History Channel. Have you? It's so good. In case you haven't seen it, basically they took The Bible, pulled all the major highlights out and made a series out of it. Each episode is 2 hours long and they run until Easter Sunday. It's really cool and I hope they make it available on DVD because I'd love to own it! 

Anyways, as I've mentioned before, I was raised in a Christian home, and went to church my whole life so most of these stories are pretty familiar to me. I mean I remember David and Goliath and Daniel in the lions den, I learned about them through puppet skits and little cartoon characters on a felt board as a child, and I've heard so many sermons preached on them. I guess that's why I took them for granted for so long and honestly remembered them as the puppet skits and cartoons I first learned them as. Watching this series though has really opened my eyes. God did some really cool stuff. No seriously! And I feel like sometimes we forget. Sometimes we think of Him as this nice big guy in white that lives in the clouds and hangs out until we beg Him enough to do something for us. But guys He's so much more than that! 

Lately The Lord has been challenging me in my prayer life and it's so tough. I was praying the other day, probably going down my list of wants, needs, and wishes and the Lord stopped me in my tracks. Sometimes when He speaks, it's like He's in the room. It's so loud and clear and hard impossible to ignore. He gave me a bit of a challenge and asked me who I thought I was to constantly speak to the Lord as if He were my hand maiden. Woah. 

As believers, sometimes I feel like it's so easy to get caught up in making a "to do" list for the Lord. We spend so much time marking down situations and circumstances that we want the Lord to intervene in. But how much time do we spend actually talking to God like a friend? I'm not saying that He doesn't care about our needs and we should just figure things out ourselves, but I'd like to submit to you that the time we spend asking the Lord for things should be far outweighed by the time we spend seeking Him and just trying to get to know Him. Tough? Yeah I know. But I mean think about it, would you want a friend or a loved one to only communicate with you when they wanted something? I wouldn't. Not at all. Well believe it or not, God is no different. Jesus sacrificed on the cross so that we were no longer indentured servants and could instead come boldly before the throne of the everlasting father. Not just so that we could have His help with things in our lives, But for something more beautiful. Jesus sacrificed so that we could get to know our creator, so that we could fall in love with Him.

There's a Phil Wickham song I love called "Beautiful," listen to it if you get the chance. Anyways, the first line of the song says, 
      "I see your face in every sunrise, the colors of the morning are inside your eyes."
I love it. I'd just like to challenge you today to do less "to do list" reading and more seeking, and taking time to stop more often and just discover the beauty of our King.



Friday, March 15, 2013

5 Things on a Friday

So I'm going to be doing these Friday posts a little bit differently than in the past. I know I have kind of used them as an outlet for my randomness once a week, but from now on I'm going to start featuring 5 things I'm currently crushing on. Sometimes these will be fashion or beauty related, and sometimes they won't be, but I hope you enjoy! 

So this week is a pretty eccentric mix of things but y'all should know that I'm also mildly obsessed with everything in the picture above! I mean these fabulous little finds made the first cut, right?! Lets jump right in! 
{starting from the far left side of the picture}

1. Volumizing Lash Powder by Essence- Ok so I told y'all I have an obsession with eyelashes right? I wasn't joking. A friend of mine told me about this "volumizing powder" and I'm pretty sure I brushed her off at first and thought to myself, "she's out of her mind." Sorry friend. BUT thankfully she convinced me let me try it! So here's how it works, its basically a little baby jar of white cotton like fibers that comes with a mascara wand. All you do is put on a thin coat of mascara, then use the wand (not the one from your mascara silly!) to apply some of this powder to your lashes while your mascara is still wet. Then give it a sec and apply mascara again. (side note: it's white so you'll look a little weird but trust me.) Then poof! Your lashes will seriously look fake. No joke! It's the weirdest thing. And the best thing is that this little jar of fabulous only costs $3 at Ulta so you have no excuse not to try it! My asthetician told me that other, more premium brands make something similar and they are upwards of $30!! So yay for this $3 find! 

2. Almond Hand and Nail Butter by The Body Shop- I'm from Texas, where winter (real winter!) doesn't exist. So things like cracking hands, etc aren't really an issue if you use lotion with any sort of regularity. Well things changed for me when I moved up North because let me tell you, extreme cold, washing hands, and then constantly living in super dry, heated environments does a number on your skin. It really does! Mine were cracking, bleeding, and just hurting and looking pretty gross. I found this stuff a couple years back at the Denver airport, and it seriously is the only thing that really works and heals my hands when they're dry! It's super smooth, really thick, and seriously buttery, and it doesn't wear off after just one hand washing! It's a bit pricey (about $20 for the smallest jar-- which is the size I have) but the jars last a good while and it really really works y'all. My mom always said that your hand's will betray your age before your face so I always try to take care of mine, and this stuff has been a life saver!

3. Chobani Vanilla Greek Yogurt- Ok I know this is random but seriously I have almost finished that huge jar you see there in less than a week. I eat it for breakfast, snacks, and even sometimes dessert! It's a bit more tart than traditional vanilla yogurt but it has less fat and sugar, and wayyy more protien! I just add some granola for crunch and yum!! I'm so hooked. Try it! 

4. High Brow Glow by Benefit- Ok so this is fabulous y'all! It's a chubby little pencil, kinda like an eyeliner that is a gorgeous little champagne/ platinum color used for brow highlighting! What is brow highlighting you say? Well basically it's an old makeup artist trick where you apply white or pearl eye shadow under the arches of your brows to make them appear higher. With the pencil, all you do is apply it directly under the arches of your brows (and then smear it a bit with your fingers) for an instant brow lift! It's great in this super cute, super convenient pencil format! I love it for when I'm doing my makeup on the go... oh wait, I'm always on the go since I'm chronically running late. sshhh! I think I paid maybe $16 or $18 for it and it was totes worth it! 

5. Jesus Calling Daily Devotional by Sarah Young- This is probably the best thing on this list because it has helped me get to a whole new level in my walk with the Lord and my alone time with him. Each day has a "message" of sorts from the Lord. All are based in scripture but they are written in a format where it's more like a letter or love note, instead of your more traditional "thou art..." scripture. Each day is about a paragraph or 3 long and has all the scriptures referenced listed at the end. The main focus of the book is for the reader to learn to live or be challenged to choose to live in a constant state of fellowship with the Lord, which I love because I truly believe that our goals should be more about doing this and not so much about how good we can be. This book is at once encouraging and challenging and if you are looking for a little somethin to suppliment your devotional time or are just looking to get started in the morning prayer department, this is your book. I picked up my copy at Target and it has been something I really look forward to each morning. Time with the Lord in the morning is seriously the only thing that gets me through the day. I'm a total wreck without it.

Well y'all, that's my list! Hope you'll try one (or all!) of these little treasures! Do you have any current crushes to share? I'd love to hear them! 

 I also hope you all have a fabulous, and restful weekend! I will be at the counter all weekend so stop by and see me if you can! 


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Catch up!

{I've decided to take advantage of the Catch-up, ketchup pun. Obviously.}

So it's been a bit of a whirlwind in my world and I have totally been neglecting you beautiful people! So sorry! Work has been busy insane, we thought we were getting a transfer to Buffalo so we were scrambling to move (we're not going anywhere and believe it or not, I'm thrilled!),  and now we are transitioning into a few interesting changes with the husband's job and have lately been just trying to keep our heads above water! Sheesh! Anyways, I have had so much on my heart and mind for you. I'm not going to try to cram everything into one post but I do have a few things I feel like we need to ketchup (hahaha!!) on that you may have to excuse the randomness of this post! 

Can I just say first of all that I am SO beyond excited for Spring and Summer? Around these parts, winter is unfortunately still in full swing, but I'm holding on to hope that spring is just around the corner! I can't wait for all the new outfit options! I'm totally getting to the point where I'm just sick of looking at my long sleeves! 

With that said, it's about time for me to grab a stack of magazines and spend some time brushing up on the trends for the new seasons! Does anyone else do that?? It's my favorite! I usually have a few fashion industry sites I check too, so usually by the time I'm finished, I've got a good idea about what is going on. Just give me a glass of wine and I'm good for an evening! I do this every season and I'm excited about doing it again soon! 

The Lord has been teaching me sooo many new things lately and honestly blessing me with some awesome time alone with Him. It's been wonderful. I have so much more to share in that department but I promise that is for another post. I really believe that the Lord pours into us so that we can pour out into others and it's so great to have this little old blog to share what's been on my heart lately. 

Well y'all, I'm BACK!! And I promise I will be more diligent about posting. No more neglect! How have you been? What's been new? Anything exciting on the horizon? Leave some comments y'all because I love hearing from you! 



Friday, February 22, 2013


We're all about fashion on this blog right?! I mean yes of course we are. And trends? Obviously. But you know what I love the most?
Sassy-ness. Not like attitude problems or anything. Duh. Like the little touch of fabulous you add to that oxblood or tartan trend! And maybe your touch of fabulous isn't necessarily even "in style" or "on trend," rock it anyways! It's what makes you the fabulous little lady you are!

I mean, living in New York hasn't stopped me from rocking my cowgirl hat and cowgirl boots! You can take the girl out of Texas but you can't take the Texas out of the girl!!!

What makes you sassy and sets you apart? I'd love to hear it!!


Friday, February 8, 2013


So I'm currently sitting in my living room, in a pair of sweats, looking outside at a blizzard that has been going on outside since last night. If you know me at all, you know it's pretty ironic that I am currently calling a cold climate place like Northern New York home because I'm seriously the type of person that kept a space heater on in my office during Texas summers! And the funny thing is, we got about 10-12 inches of snow here last weekend so it's not like we are just now getting some snow if ya know what I mean! 

Anyways, lately I have been reflecting back on the last year and at how dramatically my life has changed in that short time period. The Lord has done so much in my life y'all. It's crazy. I mean he brought me into this "land of snow" that spends a good 4-6 months covered in it, He stripped away so much of what I thought I needed, and then here lately, He's been in the middle of a big building project. And this building project is honestly so cool. It's painful at times, but more often then not, it's been moment after moment of sweet communion with my creator. 

As a Texas girl, I never really understood what it meant to have inches, and feet of snow on the ground. And I never understood how snow just kinda takes over. Seriously, when the snow falls, that's it! Say good bye to anything in it's path because you won't be able to see it. At least temporarily. This was my view earlier today before my hero husband shoveled my car out of this mess: 

So with all this snow, the Lord has been showing me something pretty awesome. In the picture above, you pretty much see only white. You can barely tell that my car is black, the driveway is black, and my balcony is wood so it's dark brown. Well, if you can believe it, that's how it is with the Father's love. It covers so much y'all. See for so long, I thought that every time I came to the Father, He looked at me and saw all that I am. All my broken parts, all my wounds, and all the black of my sin. I mean He's God so of course He would see that right? Not really. See when decide to ask the Lord into our lives, like ask for His forgiveness, admit we need Him, and ask him to take over; everything changes. 

We used to sing a song at School that said that the blood Jesus shed for us at the cross is all we need to wash us "white as snow." And I guess I always thought that was cool but until now, I was completely missing something. Yes, His love and forgiveness make it so that He doesn't see our ugly black sin anymore. Yes, it's sort of a "changing of the colors" if you will. The fabulous, most amazing, and life changing part though is that His love covers in such a way that when He looks at us, our broken parts, wounds, and sin are completely covered and He sees nothing else except His love, forgiveness, and promises to us, just like when you look outside during a blizzard, you see nothing but snow. And we no longer need to feel like indentured servants, we no longer have to feel indebted to our creator. Instead we can begin to embark upon a relationship a divine romance even, with the King of Kings. And it's so sweet y'all because as crazy as it sounds, that's the whole point of everything in the first place. Our creator wants so badly to know you and for you to know Him. Fabulous right?!

I guess you could say my view of snow has completely changed. I have learned to see it as a sweet reminder of the incredible covering of the Father's love. I hope you will too! 


Friday, January 18, 2013

5 Things on a Friday

Happy Friday y'all!

1. We are currently en route to visit some friends (who are like family!) in Maine for the weekend! They are some of our favorite people and we have both been looking forward to hanging out with them ALL week! I'm sure it will be a jam packed weekend full of fun so I'll be sure to take some pics and post an update when I get back. :)

2. I feel like animal print is really having a moment in my world lately. No really. It goes with literally everything. I got a leopard print scarf this week and I'm having a hard time finding an outfit it doesn't match with! So if you're looking for a fresh update, grab yourself one! I found mine at Charlotte Rousse for $10! Totally a steal!

3. Maine is known for their lobster and I'm SO looking forward to having some. It's the best ever y'all! If you're at all a foodie, you have to get yourself up to Maine in the summer time and get some lobster. It's heavenly!!

4. Lately The Lord had been teaching me about gratitude and how it affects the heart of the Father and its really cool y'all. My step dad used to always say that the secret to happiness was gratitude and The Lord has really been showing me that in an awesome way. More on that later but I just want to encourage you to take a minute and look at everything around you that The Lord has given you and just take a moment to say Thank you to Him. You'll be surprised at how it changes your day!

5. There's a really good chance I'll be attending my first hockey game this weekend!! Ack! I'm so excited! Hopefully I survive the freezing rink!! Say a prayer for me y'all!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! What are your plans?


Monday, January 14, 2013

Prevage Lash

As I've mentioned before, I'm a mascara junkie. I mean seriously, I am constantly in search of those perfect long, voluminous, curled lashes! Anyways, one of the perks of my job with Elizabeth Arden has been the ability to try some of their fabulous products!! And as I mentioned before, my boss sent me a sample of some lash enhancing serum called Prevage Lash. I promised you girls a review, us southern girls are women of our word! 

This little package makes my heart smile! It looks like mascara on the outside but actually comes with a little tiny brush that looks like a brush for liquid eyeliner. All you do is paint the serum onto the roots of your lashes (with your eyes closed) each night before bed. Lashes should be clean and completely free of makeup. That's it! Once a day daily for the first month and then you can go to 2-3 times a week after that! It only takes 2 weeks to see results too! Wanna see my results?! I knew you did! 
The top was taken the first night I tried it and the bottom one was taken this morning after I got out of the shower. I think you can definitely see more length AND volume! I mean seriously I don't have any mascara on in the bottom picture! I've even been able to go a couple of days without it! I just curl my lashes really quick and I'm set!! And just so you can see how absurdly long my lashes are right now, check out the below picture (taken yesterday). I'm just wearing 1 coat of mascara here.
So long right?! I know, it's crazy. And it really has nothing do do with my mascara! It's fabulous! Anyways, Prevage Lash is $98 for a bottle, which is expensive but not really. Latisse is the only other thing like it on the market but it requires a prescription AND can sometimes cause discoloration to your eyelids or irises! Scary! Prevage Lash is clinically tested and ophthalmologist approved! It's fabulous! 

What are your thoughts? Is this something you'd try? If so, feel free to place your order through me! :)


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Perfect in His eyes

Have you ever seen one of those girls that looks exactly like her mom? Like they're totally twins? I love when I see that. I just think its totally adorable and so cool. Now lets go on a little imaginary journey! So picture a set of  mom and daughter "twins" together in, lets say, a bedroom getting ready to go somewhere together. You know, all the makeup and hair products everywhere, a little music, and of course lots of laughs. Now imagine the daughter looking in the mirror and suddenly going on and on about how ugly she thinks she is. Just naming all the features she can't stand and flaws she wishes she could change. Sounds pretty normal right? I mean I think all of us girls have those moments where we think "woah" and not in a good way. Imagine though, how the mom in the room probably feels. She's of course thinking that her daughter is absolutely wrong and that she's the most beautiful thing in the world. But also, she's probably getting a little bit hurt right? Thinking, "but you're not ugly, you look just like me." ouch.

So I was totally having one of those moments a couple of weeks back. I was putting on some eyeliner I think and just felt like I was looking in a scary carnival mirror because I just kept naming my flaws silently in my head. And the Lord just stopped me. And he showed me the mom and daughter scene I just described along with a verse that I really never related to beauty.

"Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image and likeness...' " 
Genesis 1:26

Now I don't think this verse is strictly about beauty but I love how the Bible is such a living and breathing document that sometimes things you never considered totally come alive. It's so cool.

Anyways, have you ever actually considered the fact that God's word says you were made in His image? You were. Not His image minus your nose, huge pores, or frizzy hair. It doesn't say that you were made in his image if you have always been skinny. It doesn't say you were made in His image if you are 5'10" and look just like Cindy Crawford. It just says you are made in His image. So there's a couple of things we get from this!

1. God didn't make a mistake with you. Oh you don't like your frizzy hair or your big teeth? Well they weren't a mistake. God thinks you're beautiful (and so do I!). I mean seriously Cindy Crawford is beautiful but wouldn't the world be so boring if we all looked like her? Gah! I mean then we wouldn't have pretty girls like Emma Stone or Beyonce Knowles or YOU! Your unique features are God's creativity at it's best! 

2. When you criticize yourself and pick at your flaws, you are hurting the heart of the heavenly Father. Yes, you read that right. It actually hurts Him. He is the parent creator that says "wait, you think you're ugly? But I made you in my image. I think you're stunning." This is the part that really made me say ouch. Because the last thing I want to do is hurt my savior's heart. He died for us y'all, gives us the air we breathe, and beautiful things like flowers and sunsets and really how could you hurt someone like that?

So I hope the next time you look in the mirror you stop and take a moment to acknowledge the stunning beautiful person that you really are. The Lord made you like this on purpose and you are his precious child. Start acting like you know it! 

Love y'all! 



Friday, January 4, 2013

5 things on a Friday

Happy Friday y'all!

1. My brother-in-law's younger brother is currently in the hospital, intensive care to be exact, for an infection in his heart. He isn't doing great and could really use some prayer so if you get the chance, please send some his way! He is only 13. I know The Lord is still a healer so I am standing on His word that Diego will be healed!! I also believe there is power in agreement when it comes to prayer so it'd be awesome to have some fellow prayer warriors standing in the gap for him on this.

2. Elizabeth Arden is coming out with a BB cream in the spring!! I can't wait! Practically every other cosmetics brand has one (they're the latest craze y'all!) but I'm so excited for my company to release one! Incase you don't know what a BB cream is, let me explain! :) BB stands for Beauty Balm. Basically it moisturizes, evens skin tone, helps with blemishes, protects from the sun, and contains some color that provides a nice sheer coverage! Think tinted moisturizer on steroids! Exciting!

3. My husband and I have date night coming up tomorrow! We will probably do dinner and maybe a movie! My main love language (the way I feel most loved) is quality time so I love the fact that even though we are happily married, he still makes time to date me. It really makes me feel extra special. God is so good for blessing me with such a sweet man.

4. So a quick little tidbit I learned at work is that the best way to combat a winter dry face is to layer moisturizers. Let me explain: I usually use a clean and clear acne moisturizer that's pretty light and sometimes a little drying because of the acne medicine it has in it. This is perfectly fine for a humid summer or spring. But in the dead of winter, when I'm constantly going from hot shower to heated house to extra cold outdoors, it's not enough. So I've been layering an Elizabeth Arden visibly different moisturizer for combination skin over it and wow does my skin feel better! Believe it or not, if you're seeing acne during this time of year, it's likely that you're getting it due to dry skin. No joke! Anyways, don't be afraid to add one more step and hydrate that skin! Your makeup will thank you! ;)

5. I just have to shout out to my fabulous in laws for all of the delicious Italian food they cook and freeze for us to take home each time we visit their neck of the woods! We had some Pasta Fagioli for dinner tonight that was outta this world. Gah it was amazing!!

Well beauties, that's enough randomness for now! I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! I'll be at the counter so stop by if you can!!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Winter Wonderful

I know, I know, it sounds crazy to say the words winter and wonderful in the same sentence doesn't it?! But give me a second here, I'm trying! As you all know, I am most certainly a Texas girl (to the bone!) that is currently calling Northern New York her home. These two places could not be more different! Snow in April anyone?! Anyways, I have come to very much adore my home. No really! It's quite charming... adorable in the summer and serene (and snow covered!) in the winter! As you can probably guess, learning to dress for the winter has been quite the challenge! But I'm learning y'all and having so much fun! 

"I refuse to look frumpy because it's cold!" 

That's honestly been my mantra here. So in the spirit of all things fabulous, let's talk about some ways you can jazz up your winter outfits and add a bit of Winter Wonderful to your life! 

(Note: please excuse the quality of these photos. I wanted to use my own images but photography isn't my forte!)

1. Invest in a good pair of boots. This does not mean they have to be $400 Frye boots (Although I wish mine were), but get yourself a good pair! And for goodness sake, we are not in 2004 and you are not 12 so please don't even look at those Uggs! A good pair of boots can elevate an outfit, take you from day to night, or add an edge to your "girl next door" dress. You'll want a flat boot if you live in a snowy area and if you add a little waterproofing treatment to the leather, you're set! 
These are Steve Madden and I adore them. They go with everything. Also, if you have a caramel color (like these), try mixing them with a black outfit! So chic! 

2. Accessorize with color. I know you usually think of a bold bag as something you only do in the summer but do yourself a favor and try one this winter. I promise it will be totally refreshing to see some color with all that black I know you're wearing! ;)
This one is the gorgeous Michael Kors that my husband gave me for Christmas (and this picture was taken right after I opened it, which explains my goofy grin!). I adore the fact that it's red! It just makes me smile when I throw it over my shoulder in my black parka! 

3. Last but not least, grab yourself some colored jeans and wear the heck out of them! Seriously, colored pants are so of the moment right now and winter is the perfect time to take advantage. They're a great twist on that standard jeans and a sweater uniform I know we are all wearing lately! Also, pair them with not only neutral tops but complimentary colored ones too! Yes girls, get those color wheels out and have fun!! 

These are some oxblood jeggings I picked up at H&M for about $10. They're the perfect compliment to that denim button up I can't get enough of and as you can see here, a nice pop of color against my black parka and black snow boots! (side note: this was the first time seeing this crazy amount of snow fall at once so that's why I'm freaking out in this picture!)

We've got a couple more months of winter left, so I hope you'll use these little tips to help you add some wonderful to your winter! Do you have any others? I'd love to hear them! 

Stay warm! 



Wednesday, January 2, 2013

All things new

Happy 2013 y'all! I hope you all had a fabulous time this Christmas and New Years with your families. I had a wonderful time with my husband! He was so good to me! He let me bake all the cookies my house heart could handle, spoiled me rotten (Michael Kors and Marc Jacobs both made appearances under my tree! squee!), drank too much wine and spiked eggnog with me, and even listened to me obsess over what the appropriate amount of sparkle on my nails really meant! It was a great first married Holiday season for us. 

Now that the new year has begun, though I have been thinking quite a bit about whether or not I will be making a new years resolution. I mean, there really is something so inspiring and so exciting about a fresh start isn't there? Last year, my resolution was to stop drinking soda and I did it! I went from 3 Dr. Peppers a day to 0. It was tough but I stuck with it and as a result, lost 2 jean sizes! Once that happened, it was an easy resolution to keep! 

This year though, I wanted to do something a little different because the Lord has been showing me something pretty interesting. The Lord is a fan of new beginnings I think. I mean, if you really think about it, He says things to us like, 
Yeah you sin. and you've done some pretty awful stuff, but no worries, I died so you didn't have to pay for it. Just believe in me and we can start over. 
Or He says, 
You're my child, and despite everything you do daily, when I look at you I see my promises to you and not your mistakes.
Or one of my favorites, 
Today was rough, and yeah you probably shouldn't have said those things. But rest your head with me tonight and we can start over tomorrow because my mercies are new every morning. 
He is so amazing isn't He?!

So I've been thinking about how a new year, a new month, a new week, or even a new day can mean a new beginning. And more than anything I am just thankful for the chance for a fresh start, whether it's this month, for 2013, or just the chance to wake up each day to a God who loves me. I'm thankful that He looks at me and calls me HisSo for 2013 I'm not really going to commit to increase my workout days or eat more vegetables, or anything like that. For 2013 I am going to do my best to wake up each day and treat it like the fresh start that it is. 

What about you? Do you have any New Year's resolutions?

