"Everything is better in black" she'd say to my sister and I while we were on one of our many shopping trips.
"Always take the time to get ready before going anywhere. And don't do it for anyone else but yourself. It takes no more effort to put on jeans instead of sweatpants." We weren't ever allowed to wear sweat pants in public! :)
"Always invest in classic pieces. They will stand the test of time and never go out of style." This explains my large collection of little black dresses and pencil skirts.
"Smile! You never know who needs to see one!" She always taught us to constantly be thinking of others.
"You are beautiful."
My mom is hands down one of the most stylish, classy, and fabulous women I know. She taught me to take pride in my appearance because looking good, helps you feel good! She taught me the tricks of the trade in shopping. If you think I can shop, you really should meet the woman who taught me to! She also taught me the importance of always being considerate of others and how beauty on the inside is what really matters. I even remember her giving the security guards at her office Valentine's day presents because she wanted to make sure they had something!
More than anything though, my mom encourages me when I feel hopeless, she cheers for me when I need it, and she shows me everyday what it means to be beautiful.
