
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Perfect in His eyes

Have you ever seen one of those girls that looks exactly like her mom? Like they're totally twins? I love when I see that. I just think its totally adorable and so cool. Now lets go on a little imaginary journey! So picture a set of  mom and daughter "twins" together in, lets say, a bedroom getting ready to go somewhere together. You know, all the makeup and hair products everywhere, a little music, and of course lots of laughs. Now imagine the daughter looking in the mirror and suddenly going on and on about how ugly she thinks she is. Just naming all the features she can't stand and flaws she wishes she could change. Sounds pretty normal right? I mean I think all of us girls have those moments where we think "woah" and not in a good way. Imagine though, how the mom in the room probably feels. She's of course thinking that her daughter is absolutely wrong and that she's the most beautiful thing in the world. But also, she's probably getting a little bit hurt right? Thinking, "but you're not ugly, you look just like me." ouch.

So I was totally having one of those moments a couple of weeks back. I was putting on some eyeliner I think and just felt like I was looking in a scary carnival mirror because I just kept naming my flaws silently in my head. And the Lord just stopped me. And he showed me the mom and daughter scene I just described along with a verse that I really never related to beauty.

"Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image and likeness...' " 
Genesis 1:26

Now I don't think this verse is strictly about beauty but I love how the Bible is such a living and breathing document that sometimes things you never considered totally come alive. It's so cool.

Anyways, have you ever actually considered the fact that God's word says you were made in His image? You were. Not His image minus your nose, huge pores, or frizzy hair. It doesn't say that you were made in his image if you have always been skinny. It doesn't say you were made in His image if you are 5'10" and look just like Cindy Crawford. It just says you are made in His image. So there's a couple of things we get from this!

1. God didn't make a mistake with you. Oh you don't like your frizzy hair or your big teeth? Well they weren't a mistake. God thinks you're beautiful (and so do I!). I mean seriously Cindy Crawford is beautiful but wouldn't the world be so boring if we all looked like her? Gah! I mean then we wouldn't have pretty girls like Emma Stone or Beyonce Knowles or YOU! Your unique features are God's creativity at it's best! 

2. When you criticize yourself and pick at your flaws, you are hurting the heart of the heavenly Father. Yes, you read that right. It actually hurts Him. He is the parent creator that says "wait, you think you're ugly? But I made you in my image. I think you're stunning." This is the part that really made me say ouch. Because the last thing I want to do is hurt my savior's heart. He died for us y'all, gives us the air we breathe, and beautiful things like flowers and sunsets and really how could you hurt someone like that?

So I hope the next time you look in the mirror you stop and take a moment to acknowledge the stunning beautiful person that you really are. The Lord made you like this on purpose and you are his precious child. Start acting like you know it! 

Love y'all! 



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