
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

New Things

Now that we're through Thanksgiving, I'm BACK! I attempted to disconnect a bit during the holiday and spend some time being overly lazy decompressing over the weekend. As I mentioned here I had exciting things in the works! Well, the news is that I started a new job! I'm the newest beauty consultant at the Elizabeth Arden counter in my area. I was pretty nervous about this because well, I mean it was a big change from my last job. At the same time though, I was excited because well... let's be honest, I've got a few beauty junkie tendencies!

Anyways, I'm totally loving it and having so much fun learning about makeup, selling like crazy, and making tons of new friends! It just so happens too that I landed this little job around the time I needed new mascara! If you read my post here then you know I was on the hunt! Well, I got one! 

Ceramide Lash Extending Treatment Mascara
It's by Elizabeth Arden and I promise I wouldn't be telling you girls about it if I wasn't in love. Promise! 

Ok so it's called Ceramide lash extending treatment mascara. woah that's a mouthful. Ceramide is a triple complex that does 3 important things: strengthens (stronger lashes duh!), hydrates  (they aren't growing if they aren't moisturized), and resurfaces (hello longer lashes). This is perfect for our lashes because this means it doesnt make them all gross and brittle! It helps them! And it actually does lengthen your lashes. Like mine are currently hitting my brow bones! It's crrrazzyy! AND it doesn't flake off! I've tried a few that I feel do a good job lengthening, but they have pretty much migrated to my under eye area and cheeks by 5pm. Not this bad boy! It stays put and it's fabulous. Oh, and did I mention that it doesn't clump? So not only are my lashes longgg but my mascara doesn't look caked on! It's $20 a tube too! Which actually isn't horrible for department store mascara. Ladies, do your eyelashes a favor and go. get. some. 

I'm thinking I may buy this one more than once (gasp!) and never look back! ;)

Tell me if you go out and get it! I'd love to hear your reviews! Hope you're all having a fabulous week! 



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