We met up with one of my sorority sisters from college for lunch and some fun in Bryant Park. Adore her.
My husband's friend was our host for the weekend and he was amazing. He took us all around town, let us stay at his house, and brought us to some of the best restaurants in the area. The man is a saint!

We met up with a friend of mine from middle school for a late night drink. Love her.

NY style pizza is outta this world. No wonder most New Yorkers I know are such pizza snobs! Oh yeah, I really did fold the pizza like a true New Yorker and everything! ;)
It was a wonderful, fabulous weekend!! I am in. love. with that city. I didn't want the weekend to be over! It was so much fun. I've got a couple of outfit posts in store so stay tuned!
How did you spend your weekend?
Hope you all have a wonderful week!
So happy you had a good time. Love that fur girlie