Growing up, I really struggled with finding my value. Seriously, I was always so insecure and it permeated everything I did. So I tried to compensate for it with extra over the top grades or relationships, or new clothes and shoes, or even drinking too much. I thought that if I just had the best grade, it would make up for the fact that I didn't ever think the girl in the mirror was pretty. Or if that if I fished for enough compliments from a boy, I'd start to believe them. Or if I bought enough of the newest things and wore nothing but new clothes, I'd hide the ugly person I thought I was. Or if I drank enough, then I wouldn't remember all the reasons I didn't feel like I was enough. None of it worked and for so many years I just hurt.

I wish I could tell you I woke up and turned a magic age and it all went away. I still sometimes struggle with these things. I know I'm not alone either because I'm pretty sure every girl I've ever met can relate to this in some way or another. It's kinda sad isn't it? That's why I wanted to start blogging. Because I wanted to tell my story and tell you all that you're not alone and that you're all so incredibly beautiful. And that each of us is beautiful in a different way just like a Rose and a Daisy are. And how when we start to understand where our beauty and worth truly come from, our lives are forever changed. *steps off soap box*
When I was a little girl, my mom always told me that Jesus loved me. And I went to Sunday school and they told me that too. Which is never a bad thing. I mean I guess I believed it, but not necessarily. In my mind, Jesus was someone we prayed to and learned about in school. But actually Jesus is God. Like He's the big guy up there in heaven that created everything. He was the one that was there when Noah had his Ark, and He's the one that wrote the 10 commandments. He's pretty important in the whole scheme of things.
And not only does He love me (you too!) but He took it upon Himself to die for me and you. Yes, you! I know, I said the same thing. It's actually a little bit crazy that the GOD of the whole entire everything died for us isn't it? I mean I would think He'd have bigger (less painful) fish to fry. But nope. He DIED for us. That's my secret! I realized that the King of the Universe, the God of everything looked at me and considered my life worth giving up His. and it just blew. my. mind. And let me tell you girls that He also considered your life (even with all the crazy parts) worth dying for. So I mean really, if someone that important can put that much value on your life, you have to as well!! Isn't it fabulous?!
So maybe for some of you, this is something you've heard your whole lives too but I hope you will take the rest of the day to just mentally chew on it (yeah I just used that phrase). And for those of you who are just learning of this fabulous news, I have even better news for you!! Not only did Jesus die for you, He wants to know you and all you have to do is ask him to forgive you for all the bad things in your life and to come be with you. He will too, I promise!
I have come quite a long way but I'm still a work in progress but I am so happy to have a way to share my heart with you all because I think you're all fabulous. Seriously, I do!
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